Montag, 3. November 2008

wine of the month October

Unbelievable but true. After this long time I posted another wine of the month.

check out at: Wine of the month

3 Kommentare:

  1. 1. Heinrich Gabarinza is really a fine wine, I like it every year..
    2. Certainly I'm a heavy reader of your blog, too!!
    Love, U.
    PS: A comment!! Dont't be afraid..

  2. hallo Franz!

    What i've tasted so far. My favorits are
    1. Steinzeiler 2006
    2. Gabarinza 2006
    3. Bärnreiser 2006.
    I think all of them have strong ambitions to win the Falstaff tasting this year.

  3. Think so too but as we all know it is not always the quality of the wine that wins the trophy.

    There are some more favorites but I am perfectly fine with your selection.
